Friday, November 21, 2014

SKLZ Super Sandbag - Heavy Duty Training Weight Bag Review

SKLZ Super Sandbag - Heavy Duty Training Weight Bag

One of the most popular trends in fitness is a back to basics functional fitness routine and the SKLZ Super Sandbag - Heavy Duty Training Weight Bag can help you to get in the best shape of your life.

This bag contains four smaller bags that each can weigh up to 10 pounds for a total of 40 pounds.  When you open the box you’ll see that the bag doesn’t come with any actual weights. 

Instead, you’ll fill each of the smaller bags with sand, rice, or another filler – some people report even using aquarium gravel - to get the weight that you need.  Once you’ve filled up the bags and placed the desired amount of weight in the bag you’re ready to exercise.

The company website has an instructional video that shows you exactly how to fill each bag so that you can get all four into the larger bag.  Customers who have purchased this sandbag have reported that the video was very helpful.

The bag has six different handles to allow you to use it many different ways.  It has a handle on each end, two horizontal handles on one side, and two vertical handles on the opposite side.

Each of the smaller weight bags also has a handle which allows you to use them individually as weights if you prefer.  The handles on all the bags are very durable and can handle the wear and tear that comes from daily use. 

You can use the sandbag to complete any weight lifting exercises that require a sand bag.  These are very popular for Crossfit training and other high intensity interval training programs.

If you’re looking to add strength all over your body, this is a great tool for doing so.  It can also help you to have more power in your workout.  The sandbags provide a dynamic resistance that can be more effective than dumbbells or other weights.

This particular bag only goes up to 40 pounds so it’s best for someone who is just getting started and doesn’t need a lot of weight.   For beginners, you can start as low as 10 pounds and work your way up to the maximum potential.

If you’re looking for a versatile piece of equipment for our home gym, this is the perfect addition.  You’ll also enjoy getting great value for your money.   With the SKLZ Super Sandbag - Heavy Duty Training Weight Bag you can enhance your workout and enjoy a versatile piece of equipment that can be used daily.

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